Thursday, August 14, 2008

Embracing our freedoms--Part two

There haven't been many stories coming out of Beijing showing China in a negative light. As we discussed in class, we certainly aren't hearing about the air pollution or their controlling government on NBC's television coverage.

I did read a story today written by Clifford Coonan, where journalist John Ray was nabbed by police, taken to a restaurant where he was held on the ground and his equipment confiscated. This occurred when Ray was covering a pro-Tibet protest in a park less than a mile from the games.

I wrote about embracing our freedoms once before. Each article I read like the one referenced here and in my previous posting bring me back to that concept again and again.

I have the opportunity to be at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to watching history be made. But, I'm also looking forward to watching people practice their right to free speech. I may not like what all the protesters have to say, but I can't imagine living in a place where no one is allowed to do so. Can you?

Perhaps that is why these articles from China where the freedoms of the press and speech are suppressed jump out at me.

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