Friday, August 1, 2008

Another Option For Getting Our News

We recently discussed Jacque's blog in class regarding the concerns over the future of print news. Will newspapers continue to be delivered to our door or picked up at a newstand or are they going the way of the internet?

It looks like we may have a third option. This article ,by Claire Cain Miller, talks about a different approach to save the newspaper; cellphones. Verve Wireless provides technology to newspaper publishers so they can provide news on people's cell phones.

The chief executive of Verve Wireless is Art Howe who owns 50 papers and was a reporter. In the article Howe is quoted saying, "Mobile is actually a better way to reach people than print or even Web. It's versatile, immediate, travels and is just as compelling--if it's done right--as a Web site or a printed page."

I'm a bit skeptical but it may be that old habits die hard. I can't imagine reading an entire paper on my cell phone. I'd much prefer to sit back and literally open the paper. But, it looks like I'm the exception. According to Miller, thirteen million people use their phone to read the news today.

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