Sunday, July 1, 2007

Network News - At What Cost?

Scott Pierce questions the practices of network TV news in obtaining rights to exclusive interviews.

In his article, he mentions recent bids for the Paris Hilton interview, where it was reported that ABC and NBC were both working on bids up to $1 million. The interview ultimately went to CNN. But the point is that networks were willing to pay for the interview.

Now NBC said that it's news division doesn't pay for interviews. But, Pierce points out there are other ways for NBC to arrange payment. For example, licensing the use of Hilton photos. Or have a different division of the company sign a deal of some sort with Hilton.

Another example Pierce uses is again NBC's Today show exclusive interview with Princes Harry and William by Matt Lauer. I saw some segments of that interview and it wasn't until I read Pierce's article that I learned that Lauer was hosting the benefit concert. Or that NBC paid $2.5 million to air the show.

I had already noticed that the Today show was moving further and further away from real news. But continued to watch it on occasion. This has now made me sceptical of the information I get when I do watch it.

What happened to the concept of full disclosure? What happened to not paying for interviews so that there was not question of conflict of interest or slant on the story?

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