Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Democracy - a Slow Process for Journalists

Last summer I learned about Josh Wolf, a freelance journalist who was charged with contempt of court for refusing to turn over video of a protest in San Francisco. It was considered a federal case because federal funds had been used to purchase the police car damaged during the protest. Wolf was released from federal prison after serving 226 days. At the time, his case helped build momentum for a shield law at the federal level, which had been discussed since at least 2004.

Reading this Associated Press article, I have mixed emotions. It's great that Hawaii has become the 34th state to put a shield law on the books. Progress is being made state-by-state.

But, it's very disappointing to learn that the federal shield law is STILL pending over a year later. At this rate we'll all be dead and buried before journalists get the protection needed to preserve our democracy. Hmmm, maybe that's the point.

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