Monday, June 18, 2007

Project Destiny Cliffhanger

A story on the KCCI TV news tonight was related to the Project Destiny Sales Tax. During the news, the reporter interviewed people in Des Moines on how they felt about the sales tax and showed preliminary results of an on-line poll where the question asked was, "Do you support Project Destiny--1-cent sales tax program in which funds raised would go to property tax relief and attractions in Warren, Dallas and Polk counties?"

One of the main points of the story was that many people didn't know about the vote in July or did not feel knowledgable of the details related to where the money would be used. The poll results at that time showed the overwhelming percent of respondents were voting no. The reporter mentioned that many were voting no because they wanted details of where the money would be used prior to voting.

(Interestingly enough, I checked the online article. It doesn't mention people's lack of knowledge on the issue nor does it provide any details to how the tax will be used.)

I found myself frustrated that the report focused more on the poll and what isn't known instead of providing me with some of those missing details mentioned in the story. They could have at least mentioned they're trying to get more details. I know nothing more than I knew before the piece other then the day to vote is July 10th.

One of citizens' bill of rights states, "We have a right to expect journalists to be aware of our basic dilemma as citizens; that we have a need for timely and deep knowledge of important issues and trends in our community..."

At the moment I feel robbed of that deep knowledge I need to make an informed decision.

There's still some time between now and July 10th. Maybe tonight was just a teaser for better journalism yet to come. I hope they don't make us wait until the 9th to get the rest of the story.

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