Friday, June 22, 2007

More Questionable Ethics of Bloggers

Matt Ortega questions the ethics of blogger, Nathan Tabor, in his article, "Duncan Hunter's Blogger Ethics Problem."

Apparently, Tabor has a couple of questionable practices. First, Tabor has been hired to be Director of Internet Outreach for Duncan Hunter's 2008 presidential campaign. The problem is he doesn't disclose this information in his columns he writes critizing Hunter's opponents.

Secondly, he has written some pretty inflamatory stuff. Ortega writes:
In previous columns, Tabor uncovered Planned Parenthood's secret plan to
brainwash little children with their "SmokeBusters" anti-smoking campaign. He
claimed that since there are 777 streets named after Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr., most of which are in the South, racism just isn't what it used to be -- so
get over it and that 1960s mentality. Also, this timeless conservative
-- "It's cold outside! That Al Gore is full of shit!"

Ya know, before this class I had no experience with blogs at all. The more I read them, and more importantly read about them, my eyes have been opened to a very disturbing world. I can't fathom how regular people would find the time to read news online and validate it themselves, or have to continue to come back to it to see if there were any updates with evidence from others to disprove the original information.

In my opinion, it's one more vote for journalists. We need them to help sort through the lies, facts, absurdity, and just plain craziness!

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